Category: Issue Brief

The Arakan Army’s Journey: From Rebels to Rulers and A New Arakan Paradigm

"This decision came out from our analysis of the current situation in our region. This decision represents all people in Arakan and the government has to seriously consider it."

Center for Arakan Studies

Analyzing the Diminishing Civil Space in the post-Coup Arakan

Since the 2021 coup in Myanmar, both media and CSO organizations in Rakhine State have faced severe challenges that have significantly hindered their operations and endangered their staff.

Center for Arakan Studies

Forgotten Voices: Addressing Challenges Faced by the Double Minority Groups in Arakan

Rakhine State, historically known as Arakan, is situated on the eastern bank of the Bay of Bengal, separated by the Arakan Roma Mountain ranges from other parts of Myanmar. Within Myanmar, it shares borders with Chin State to the north, and the Magway, Bago, and Irrawaddy Regions to the east. In the northwest, it has an international border with the Cox’s Bazar and Bandarban districts of Bangladesh.

Center for Arakan Studies

A Comparative Analysis of the Post-Cyclone Scenarios of Mocha and Nargis in Myanmar

In comparison between Cyclone Nargis and Mocha, the military regimes’ responses, and actions towards the cyclones’ management in short and long-term perspectives can be seen as not too different. Their own actions for emergency responses and rehabilitation processes remain insufficient in certain factors that lead the affected communities to be more harmful.

Center for Arakan Studies

The Investments of China and India in Rakhine State: The Perspectives of Rakhine Stakeholders on Ground in Post-Coup Myanmar

The Rakhine State in Myanmar offers immense potential for foreign direct investment (FDI) owing to its strategic location, abundant natural resources, and diverse opportunities in sectors such as agriculture, fishery, tourism, oil and gas, and services. In this context, it is essential to examine the major investments made by China and India in Rakhine State to understand their implications for the local stakeholders.

Center for Arakan Studies

Footsteps of China and India on Arakan in Post-Coup Myanmar

Rakhine State, historically known as Arakan has been a center of international and regional attention due to its strategic location with abundant natural resources in addition to the images of well-noticed armed and communal violence in recent years.

Center for Arakan Studies

Monthly Report | March 2023

While the junta’s forces and Arakan Army (AA) are now in an informal truce, the news of the registration of the political parties in Rakhine have become more prominent in March.

Center for Arakan Studies

Monthly Report | Febuary 2023

In February 2023, both tensions and relaxation could be seen in politics in Rakhine State. Tensions between the Arakan Army, and junta forces happened due after the junta forces' reinforcement such as military types of equipment, patrol and,...

Center for Arakan Studies

Arakan Review: Return To War

Just 20 months after a de facto ceasefire between the Myanmar military and the Arakan Army (AA), a series of armed clashes resumed in three locations in northern Rakhine,...

Center for Arakan Studies