Category: Special Report

Arakan At a Feeble Cease-fire

In political sector, news related to elections, political freedom, SAC-junta activity, armed revolution, and ceasefire situations has been the most dominant on the local media agencies in the past four months from January to April in Rakhine. Election news includes the junta appointed-Union Election Committee (UEC) approval of political parties, removal of non-registered parties’ signboards, anti-election campaigns, junta authority conduction of population census, USDP chief visit into Rakhine, local people’s perception of elections, Chinese ambassador’s discussion with the UEC, ULA’s stance on elections.

Center for Arakan Studies

Arakan Review: Return To War

Just 20 months after a de facto ceasefire between the Myanmar military and the Arakan Army (AA), a series of armed clashes resumed in three locations in northern Rakhine, and another one in its neighboring southern Chin state’s Paletwa.

Center for Arakan Studies

Monthly Report | March 2023

While the junta’s forces and Arakan Army (AA) are now in an informal truce, the news of the registration of the political parties in Rakhine have become more prominent in March.

Center for Arakan Studies

Monthly Report | Febuary 2023

In February 2023, both tensions and relaxation could be seen in politics in Rakhine State. Tensions between the Arakan Army, and junta forces happened due after the junta forces' reinforcement such as military types of equipment, patrol and,...

Center for Arakan Studies

Arakan Review: Return To War

Just 20 months after a de facto ceasefire between the Myanmar military and the Arakan Army (AA), a series of armed clashes resumed in three locations in northern Rakhine,...

Center for Arakan Studies