Monthly Report | December 2022

Monthly Report | December 2022

Table of content

  • Key Remarks
  • Background of the Report
  • Situations of Economic Livelihoods
  • Addressing Important Social Issues
  • State of Humanitarian Challenges
  • Key Remarks

  • The introduction of the recent temporary truce in late November brought some level of stability to the Rakhine state in December 2022. But, the reinforcement activities and military build-up by the junta forces also meant that there was still a trust deficit in the relations between the two parties. In another way, the ordinary population was also not observed to achieve community peace and security at the moment.
  • During the current temporary truce, the preparation of the junta authority and its forces, its proxy party like the USDP party in Rakhine State, for the upcoming sham election is found to accelerate its campaign involving its members. This momentum will continue as the election date comes closer. The stands of Rakhine political parties like the Arakan National Party (ANP), and the Arakan Front Party (AFP) will also appear more and more. But, The political stance of the ULA on the election hasn’t expressed anything yet, but its impression will definitely affect the entire Rakhine state.
  • On the economic front, the acceleration of the junta authority for the implementation of some foreign investment projects can be found. For some investments like the ‘Nayputaung marble stone production project’ in Taunggup township, there are some local protests. But, due to the nature of current politics, it is more likely to be ineffective. Next, the re-initiation of the border trade with Bangladesh would bring some relaxation and profits for the trading community and other related people.
  • In the social sector, the rise of theft, murder and robbery, which can be seen as the results of socioeconomic difficulties, continues to take place in both urban and rural areas. No effective response can still be seen. The lack of medicines and doctors in the clinics and hospitals must be handled, and the closure of schools and the absence of school teachers must also be addressed in both conflict-affected areas and across the State.
  • For humanitarian and IDP issues, the news report mostly describes the forced relocation of the IDP population by the junta authority and the blockage of humanitarian assistance for some areas under the reason of ‘security’. As it is not purely a technical issue, the political understanding and negotiation between the two parties will bring more relaxation for the IDP community. As it has been shown during the previous armed clashes, the unilateral dependency on the will of the junta authority for the humanitarian challenge is quite unrealistic and challenging. Thus, engaging with other de facto authorities in the areas is critical not just for peacetime but also for the conflict period.
  • download to PDF for read more

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