Monthly Report | July 2023

ALP new recruit training in September 2022 (Photo/DMG).

Political Tensions Among Different Parties in Arakan Grow

Monitoring of a brief situation of political tension, economic issues, social issues, and humanitarian issues in Western Myanmar in July 2023.

About report

This report is a part of the monthly report series by the CAS. The report usually covers four key areas happening in the state of Rakhine. The first part covers the politics concerning the armed revolution, the junta activities and political freedom, etc. The second is about the economic situations of the state that correspond to issues like rising prices, declining demand, foreign direct investment, and border trade, etc. Then, it is the third and fourth sectors which touch the social issues such as education, health, and migration in the region and for the humanitarian sector, the key items are post-Cyclone Mocha related situations and recovery activities and IDP population.

The key data in the report comes from the local media outlets such as the DMG, Western News and other sources. This report is aimed to contribute a new shell of light for those observers who are trying to understand and watch the dynamics happening in the region.

Key Remarks

In the politics of Arakan during the month of July, an increased degree of tension can be found between the two key political actors: the junta and ULA. The junta continued the imprisonment of the suspected civilian on account of having links with the ULA/AA and increased their activities of weapon testing and territorial expansion. On the other hand, the news related to the clashes between the ARSA and AA also appeared on the local media outlets drawing much attention from both the local population and the international community.

The post-Mocha cyclone economic revival in Rakhine is not still happening. Many locals face increased prices of the general commodity amidst the destruction lost due to the cyclone. The profits from the export commodities come to decrease due to the increased transportation cost. Border trade with Bangladesh was also negatively affected following the US sanction on the two junta-owned banks concerning the dollar exchange. Many reports confirm the increased potential for migration due to the frustration and devastation posed by the cyclone strike.

The strike of Cyclone Mocha brought the additional burden to the already bad health and educational sectors in the State. The junta’s priority for the restoration of electricity and repairing of the building and infrastructure is also focused on the government related sectors and more urbanized areas. As a result, many schools, hospitals, clinics, and other public infrastructures in the rural areas are still neglected, imposing more hardships on the local population. Local concerns on the outbreak of seasonal diseases.

The junta’s blockade on the UN and international humanitarian aid assistance remains continuing. More importantly, the junta authorities have hardly released any statement on the progress of the post-cyclone recovery and rehabilitation in statistics or percentage. A ULA statement released on July 14 has stated that around 70 percent of the total disaster affected population has been re-sheltered along with food and medicine provision. But, on the other hand, many local media outlets have also mentioned that there are many villages in Buthidaung and Maungdaw townships lacking essential food and lifesaving items partly due to the junta’s blockage on the humanitarian assistance and communication barriers.

Table of Content

  • Part- I: Political Affairs
  • Part- II: Economic Situations
  • Part- III: Social Issues
  • Part- IV: Humanitarian Issues
  • Part- I: Political Affairs

    In the politics of Arakan during July, the news covered in the local media agencies are mostly related to the activities of the junta authorities, actions of the ULA/AA, political freedom, the situations of the ALP, armed revolution, and elections. Starting with the news related to the activities of the junta authorities, it is said that three junta soldiers died due to health problems on July 1. On the other hand, "3 junta border guard officers were also reported"to defect into the AA in Maungdaw township while a local restaurant in Rambree township was demolished and the owner was arrested by the junta in July 2023.

    Another news on July 4 also said that the Junta authorities tightened security in Sittwe following assassination of three Arakan Liberation Party (ALP) officials on July 1. On July 9, the Junta forces searched for 3 defected Border Guard Forces (BGFs) from one village to another in Maungdaw township. On July 18, the security’s tightening in urban Sittwe areas increased, a resident said. On July 20, a news article also said that " several oil field workers " were arrested in Ramree Township and four junta personnel again deserted in Maungdaw Township.

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    The CAS is an independent, non-partisan and research-oriented group conducting research and analyzing issues related to Arakan/Rakhine affairs.

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